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Focusing on the Tehnique

Focus on the training and facilitating techniques used at the courses

   In addition to its contents, the method of conducting a course is equally important within a course topic. There are 2 major criteria which define the method of delivering the course: the degree of interaction between the trainer and the participants and the extent to which knowledge is relayed to participants or discovered by them. Depending on these criteria, the participants shall accept and assimilate the new knowledge.   

   The optimal method of delivering the course is selected depending on:

  • the current knowledge and skill level of the participants;
  • the importance of the participant’s contribution in defining the concepts to be learned;
  • the existing options for finding a solution;
  • the expectations of the participants;
  • the available time  

Each course module is based on a high degree of interaction with the participants, with a view to helping them understand and assimilate the knowledge that is being delivered, and stimulating them in sharing their experience and opinions, which leads to the creation of an adequate learning climate. The practical sessions represent approximately 30 per cent of a course duration; it gives the participants the possibility to practice the knowledge and methods that were provided to them, and further on enable their correct application in the daily work. 



  • energizing and accustoming exercises;
  • testing sessions at the beginning of the topic;
  • actual presentation;
  • debates facilitated by the trainer;
  • brainstorming;
  • practical sessions (case studies, role plays);
  • topic-based exercises (front-overleaf, card groups, role debates);
  • learning from experience;
  • revision sessions